Discussion Group Time & Location

To find out more about the discussion group email me at robertma@hotmail.com.

Due to Lucky Dog Books move to a new location we have decided to discontinue the discussion meetings and pursue an exclusively online enquiry into the works of C.S. Lewis. I will be updating information about this in the near future, so thank you for visiting the site and stay tuned for more information.


* * Lewis Book Currently Under Group Study * *


                    The book that is currently being studied by the group

                    has just began to read ==> Mere Christianity .


          To arrive at our web page dedicated to this work

                          CLICK HERE ==> Mere Christianity.

                             We have just began reading this wonderful book.


                  In order to read the current state of the discussion

                  you can visit the discussion board that’s been set up

                  for group discussion/debate and exchange. If  you

                  are interested, click ==>HERE.


