Christian Apologist
Robert Charles Sproul (born February 13, 1939) is an American Calvinist theologian, author, and pastor. He is the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries (named after the Ligonier Valley just outside of Pittsburgh, where the ministry started as a study center for college and seminary students) and can be heard daily on the Renewing Your Mind radio broadcast in the United States and internationally. “Renewing Your Mind with Dr. R.C. Sproul” is also broadcast on Sirius and XM satellite radio.[3] In late July 2012, a new 24-hour online radio station called RefNet (Reformation Network)[4] was also announced by Ligonier Ministries in an effort to reach “as many people as possible” where Internet access is available.
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Click on the sound bar for an audio presentation of Dr. Sproul’s The Cosmological Argument for God’s Existence.
There is so much about God that is beyond our comprehension. But does this make God unknowable? If not, is it possible that some of the philosophers caught a glimpse of our Creator? Join Dr. Sproul as he discusses The God of the Philosophers vs the God of the Bible as he continues to explore the possibility of there being any resemblance between the God revealed in the Bible and what the philosophers have discovered in the natural world.
The Consequences of Ideas
A Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul
Thirty-Five 23-Minute Messages. Over 13 Hours of Teaching. To understand the culture in which we live, you need to be familiar with the ideas that have shaped it. In Ligonier’s survey series, The Consequences of Ideas, R.C. Sproul traces the contours of Western philosophy throughout history and shows how our culture evolved to what it is today. From ancient Greek thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to Christian philosophers such as Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas to the shapers of modern thought such as Hume, Kant and Nietzsche, R.C. demonstrates the consequences of each of these and other important thinkers’ ideas on world events, theology, the fine arts and culture, as well as our everyday lives. Listen, and you will hear echoes of their ideas in your daily conversations — especially as you witness to unbelievers.
* * * You may listen to this entire Teaching Series online* * *
Click Here To ==> Watch The First Message free. Ligonier Ministries offers each additional lecture in this series for $2.00 per lecture, or $32.50 for the entire series. for download. There also a study guide for the series for $10.00. This is a fantastic series especially designed for individuals with no previous training in philosophy or apologetics.
==> The Consequences of Ideas <==
The greatest thinkers of all time are impacting us still. From public-policy decisions and current laws to world events, theology, the arts, education, and even conversations between friends, history’s most influential philosophies have wrought massive consequences on nearly everything we see, think, and do.
Thus it is critical for Christians to understand the ideas that are shaping them. The greater their familiarity with the streams of thought that have saturated Western culture through the ages, the greater their ability to influence this culture for Christ. With The Consequences of Ideas, now in paperback, R. C. Sproul expertly leads the way for thoughtful readers. Tracing the contours of Western philosophy from the ancients to the molders of modern and postmodern thought—including Plato, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, and Freud—Sproul proves that ideas are not just passing fads; they endure for generations to come and demand our serious attention.
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Apologetics of the Early Church
This entire series is available thorough Ligonier Ministries for $22.40 for download, or $2.00 per lecture for download as well.
In Apologetics of the Early Church, Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the attacks that were leveled at the church in its first four hundred years, and he explores how Justin Martyr, Augustine, and other early church apologists answered the charges of their critics.
→Apologetics of the Early Church ←
A Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul
The Natural Law and Revelation
Dr. Greg Bahnsen . . .
Click here for the => Sproul-Bahnsen Debate Transcript. Likewise, click here for the Audio Presentation of this debate titled => Classical vs Presuppositional Apologetics 1977 between Dr. Sproul and => Dr. Bahnsen, that gives detail to an Orthodox View of Traditional Apologetics [taken by Spoul] vs. the Modern Post-Kantian Presuppositionists (Van Tillian) postion [held by Bahsen].
. . . Verses
Dr. R.C.Sproul