Visitor’s Space


Since some of you may already be involved in studying the works of C.S. Lewis, we thought it appropriate to point visitors to a forum in which you could express your interests in his work, while providing us with both the opportunity, and pleasure, of discussing Lewis’ work. Also, if there are any questions you may have concerning our study group by all means please feel free let us know what they are so we may respond. Therefore, if you have any: questions, comments, observations, rebuttals, or disagreements, with either our group, or any aspect of Lewis’ writings/thought, please let us know. If I don’t know the answer to a query I will do what I can to find something about it, if not an answer, then as adequate of response that can be had in a timely fashion.

Click here to visit our ==> Discussion Board, and please feel free to make an inquiry leave a comment.


Click Here for the → Site Roadmap.

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→  The Grande Tour ←


Due to the fact that most of the You Tubes on the site are heavily laden with theoretical and philosophical content, you may find it helpful to click on the subtitles/closed caption [CC] icons located on the lower right hand corner of the You Tubes.

In Addition: You may find it helpful to tweak the playback speed at certain junctures since some of the commentary on the YouTube’s are given at a very fast pace (a perfect example of this is the Ben Shapiro commentary on The Screwtape Letters is a prime example of this).

This can be accomplished by 1) clicking on the settings tab (it’s the gear icon just to the right of the CC closed caption icon at the bottom of the screen), and then 2) selecting the playback speed (which should be set at normal). I suggest selecting the 0.75 setting as a test.



I thought some of our visitors might enjoy this You Tube by Ryan Reeves who is a Gordon/Conwell seminary professor in Jacksonville Florida. He begins the lecture with a brief sketch of London, explaining how in 2013 Lewis was inducted into Westminster Abby’s Poets’ Corner commemorating Lewis’ achievement as a writer which rose to the ranks of the great writers of the English language among which can be found: Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, and others. 

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I would like to suggest that you view this podcast up to at least the 13:00 point in run time, and then proceed to the next presentation underneath it–of course for Lewis enthusiasts, we we would like for you to have the option of  seeing it in its entirety, which is over an hour in length. .

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To Access The life of CS Lewis part II ← Click There



Little pockets of early Christianity survived,” writes C.S. Lewis, “because they cared exclusively for the love of the brethren and stopped their ears to the opinion of the Pagan society all around them. Hospitality, therefore, became one of the most significant, practical expressions of this worldwide family of brothers and sisters, and thus became one of the birthmarks of early Christianity.

I very much appreciate your visiting the web page. Please let me know about your visit and any comments you may have about the web site or C.S. Lewis. You can do that by utilizing the comment section at the bottom of any page on the site. So, please, drop me a line at, or as I’ve suggested above just leave a comment at any point and on any page within the site. Please feel free to send me a text. If you post from the page you would like to comment on or get some information on, please feel free to do so. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding and I look forward to meeting you in the very near future.




                  In order to read the current state of discussion 

              on the book Mere Christianity, which is the

              focus of our present reading you can visit 

             ==> The Discussion Forum


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