The Abolition of Man


And all the time — such is the tragi-comedy of our situation — we continue to clamor for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more “drive”, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or “creativity”. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

                                                                        C.S. Lewis, from The Abolition of  Man


Human Nature

Click here for The C.S. Lewis Foundation’s Study Guide on:

 The Abolition of Man.

Click here for the full text of  The Abolition of Man.


For those who would enjoy graphic presentations, as well as a reading, from of the first chapter of Lewis’ work, The Abolition of Man-titled Men Without Chests, I have embedded a YouTube below for that purpose. For those who prefer to read along with the audio click the following hot link for the PDF File ==> Men Without Chests.

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For Alister McGrath – The Transformation of Humanity or the Abolition of Man?

==> HERE


We have quite a few study resources that enlists Lewis’ work The Abolition of Man. This seems to us warranted given the time and character of what is taking place in our mist. Below you will find quite a few internal hot links that strive to give warrant to this claim.


For those of you who would like a sophisticated and more in depth consideration of this subject you will want to take this article which appeared in the 2015 issue of First Things Magazine titled  ==> Humanity 4.5.



The spiritual war of this century is not among different religions but between all religions and none. That is why what is happening in Bosnia (Kreefts’ book was published in 1994) and Northern Ireland is not merely wicked, it is hopelessly out-of-date; a civil war breaking out in the ranks during a global and apocalyptic war against Hell. The Abolition of Man appeals to all men of good will and sound mind. So does this book;: six essays about The Abolition of Man applied to our time and our future: C.S. Lewis for the Third Millennium


Bio-Tech Century: In this seminal book, Jeremy Rifkin explores the epic marriage between computer technology and genetic engineering, and the historic transition into the Age of Biotechnology.  The Biotech Century


Scientism and the Restitution of Man <== here is something which unites magic and applied science while separating both from the wisdom of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men.



PDF Transcript ==> The Posion of Subjectivism





The next hot link will take you to a presentation that features Ken Myers speaking to a SMU (in Dallas, Tx) audience circa 1999, concerning the meaning, directions, and the deeper philosophical and theoretical implications that have tendencies affecting our lives  in light of Christian conviction. We appreciate this opportunity to share with you the substance and insights of that meeting and ask you to join us is considering what seems to be something that is very profound transpiring in the present. Moreover, it allows us an opportunity to muse at a certain distance what many see as inevitable realties, and over what these kinds of developments mean and how they may effect our lives. Modern Culture and the Death of Human Nature


The gap between the technological mentality and the mystical outlook may not be as great as it seems. Erik Davis looks at modern information technology–and much previous technology–to reveal how much of it has roots in spiritual attitudes. Furthermore, he explores how those who embrace each new technological advance often do so with designs and expectations stemming from religious sensibilities. In doing so, Davis both compares and contrasts the scientific attitude that we can know reality technologically and the Gnostic idea of developing ultimate understanding. Although organized into reasonable chapters, there’s a strong stream-of-consciousness component to Davis’s writing. His expositions may run, for example, from information theory to the nebulous nature of Gnosticism to the philosophical problem of evil-­all in just a few pages. It’s as if there are so many connections to make that Davis’s prose has to run back and forth across time and space drawing the lines. But the result, rather than being chaotic, is a lively interplay of wide-ranging ideas. His style is equally lively and generally engaging–if sometimes straying into the hip. In the end, he succeeds in showing the spiritual side of what some may see as cold, technological thought. –Elizabeth Lewis  (an Amazon Review)

Techgnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information


Ted Peters: Transhumanism and the Posthuman Future 


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