These items are pretty good quality and was very pleasantly surprised when I received them from Vistaprint the printing company that made them. If anyone would like to obtain any of these please let me know and I will be happy to get them for you at cost, that is what they cost me to order them. I’ve hot linked the price and size table for t-shirts in red. It normally takes around one to two weeks to receive orders. Just let me know and I’ll order them for you and you can pay me at the point and time you receive them. I would need to know the order size for the t-shirts of course. They range from: small, medium, large, extra-large, and extra-extra large sizes, and they are offered in two quality types, as well as having both long and short sleeve t-shirts available for order.
If you’re interested click here for the ==> Price and Size Table
Front Side
The Back Side
The C.S. Lewis Study Group
Lucky Dog Book
469 – 571 – 2297
Coffee Mugs are $12.00 each
Deluxe Tote
Front Side Below

An Inkling Storage Facility
Deluxe Tote Bag-Back Side Below
Back-Side Quote
There is something which unites magic and
applied science while separating both from the
wisdom of earlier ages. For the wise men of old
the cardinal problem had been how to conform
the soul to reality, and the solution had been
knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For
magic and applied science alike the problem is
how to subdue reality to the wishes of men.
Tote Bags are $13.00 a piece unless a larger quantity is purchased, which may be possible if there is an interest in several of us purchasing this item as a group. The scale runs:
Price Per Piece

Same situation with the pens. The scale runs:
Price Per Piece
$9.00 (or $4.50 each)
$12.00 (or $4.00 each)
$15.00 (or $3.75 each)
$18.00 (or $3.60) the scale continues but you get the idea.
Hats are $15.00 a piece (ouch!) unless more than 6 hats
are ordered, and then the discount is not much.