In the thought of The Middle Ages we find a synthesis of faith and reason, that is theology and philosophy was understood to be a kind of hybrid, a commingling, that took place between Jerusalem and Athens. Two ways of thinking about this, the first known is the idea of, 1) Faith Seeking Understanding, which was probably the more popular way of thinking of this relationship during The Middle Ages. Somewhat later, during the High Middle Ages, around the time of Aquinas we find the model of, 2) Philosophy [being] The Handmaiden of Theology.
These notions were key models for synthesizing faith with reason.
In the second model philosophy came first because theology was understood as faith in God, seen as THE GOAL of understanding. Philosophy provided the necessary means at getting to the end goal of an understanding of God. Philosophy began to be seen as (as in the 1st sense:Faith Seeking Understanding) a striving toward understanding, thinking both carefully and conceptually in a systematic fashion, while incorporating: logic, and philosophically sound theology along the way. The ultimate goal is the most adequate understanding of God, which can only be achieved by human understanding.
This was the time that sound argumentation in light of God’s Reality began to take on mature understanding, according to Orthodox beliefs. Philosophy provided a kind of conceptual took kit, with which it was thought during this (as in the 2nd sense: Philosophy as the Handmaiden of God) period to possess, that is as having the capacity to accomplish this end. In this model philosophy was thought of as second, since theology was understood to be the crown of all disciplines. Since Lewis did not write in a vacuum, nor do we think in one, we thought it would be appropriate to attempt to present a wider circle of thinking into the mix, especially as it relates to Lewis’ work (but not only) and in how his work has been subsumed and built on by other Christian Apologists since his passing.
Not only have the apologists in our line left a very significant impression on me, but and moreover, they have also left a clear, and significant, set of apologetic footprints in the sand. Many of these resources are accessible to the layperson, and much of their work can be viewed via You Tube.
In order to attempt to counter the claims that traditional Christian thought has been superseded by contemporary ways of thought, I would invite you to consider the readings on the links you will find on the following page, titled Conflicting Paradigms: Traditional Logic vs. Contemporary Logic
→ Wokism Is A Hateful Religion ←
by Phil Johnson
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You may also find of interest a hotlink to a web page posted by Christian Philosopher Peter Kreeft titled ==> Twenty Arguments For The Existence Of God. On this page you will find 20 arguments that have been generated by an assortment of Christian thinkers throughout history since Christ’s first advent. You can click on the given title to arrive at a short elaboration for the form of reasoning involved for each argument in the list of choices. You will also find a hotlink on the right side of the page which leads to a listing some of the books written by this outstanding and prolific Christian author/apologist.
Our web page for his book titled ==> C.S. Lewis for the Third Millennium can also be accessed by clicking on the title just listed. You can access some of our other outstanding contemporary Christian Apologists by clicking on the appropriate hotlink below, which can also be accessed off of the pull-down menu when hovering over the Christian Philosophy tab on the main menu bar to this web site.
That there exists an inherent antagonism between religion and science as is often portrayed by atheists’ writers can be expelled if and when one takes an unbiased look at the history of science. What it reveals is that modern science both grew out of and is an invention of medieval Christianity. To consider the way in which science evolved out of the medieval and Christian worldview we would invite you to consider a sample by Dinesh D’Souza taken from book titled →What’s So Great About Christianity.
Click on → Christianity and Reason if you would like to read-along with the audio presentation..
To illustrate the historical facts surrounding the advent of Science, and whether there exists a fundamental antagonism between science and religion, the facts being as they are that–as presented by Christianity and NJ Reason (above) see PragurU’s, → Are Religion and Science in Conflict? However, to view this video it will be necessary to simply establish an account (with a user name and password) and then you can view all of the fantastic and wonderful presentations on the site, absolutely free!
A Very-Very Intersting Discussion With → Dr. Jordan Peterson & Dr. John Lennox.
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Cornelius Van Til/Greg Bahnsen
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→ Peterson’s Nihilism Continued
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Christopher F. Rufo
→ Just Who Is Jordan Peterson? ←
For an interesting kind of corollary study to the two You Tubes above you may want to take a look at the book titled . . .
. . . → Flatland.
We would like to invite you to join us in thinking alongside Dr. Michael Sugrue with a focus on the two central concepts of Logos & Mythos.
Dr. Michael Sugrue On The Logos & Mythos
Dr. Sugrue is the Behrman Fellow in the Council on the Humanities at Princeton University and a graduate of the Great Books Program.
To read more about the rapprochement between Athens and Jerusalem see also → When Athens Met Jerusalem: An Introduction to Classical and Christian Thought.
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For a more fully articulated analysis of the idea of the LOGOS consider what Dr. Jordan Peterson has to say about this Idea in the first episode of his series, however in order to facilitate what I am specifically referring to, click on the You Tube below and you will be taken to the point of departure for a through discussion of this idea. Then . . .
. . . after viewing the episode above, I strongly suggest that you 1st read & digest, and ruminate on, to the best of your abilities, this excerpt abstracted from Peter Kreeft’s book titled The Platonic Tradition on the → Logos.
To contemplate the way in which science evolved out of the medieval and Christian worldview, for which the concept of Logos provides the cornerstone, we would like to invite you to consider a couple of chapters extracted from by Dinesh D’Souza’s book →What’s So Great About Christianity.
Click on → Christianity and Reason if you would like to read-along with the audio presentation.
As an extension to the D’Souza reading above you’ll probably want to consider the three Laws of logic that are key in all of our experiences; as well as being presupposed in all of the Newtonian scientific endeavor–as well as all of rational thought, being:
The Basic Reliability of Sense Perception
For those who would like to go a bit deeper into the Mythos side of the equation, as laid out in the presentation by Dr. Sugrue above, you may want to consider what Tolkien and Lewis came to see in the concept of myth on our → Lewis & Tolkien debate history & Lies page.
→ When Athens Met Jerusalem: An Introduction to Classical and Christian Thought ←