God In The Dock

Essays & Writings by C.S. Lewis

                 Essays & Writings by C.S. Lewis

Click Here For  ==> God In The Dock <== An Amazon Link


If you would be interested to read Lewis’ concluding essay in God in the Dock, follow this hot link for the PDF file ==> The Worlds Last Night

If you would like to here a You Tube audio reading of this same essay set to the excellent sketch are of Doodle, follow this hot  link to ==> The World’s Last Night by C.S. Lewis by Doodle


An Amazon Review by Alexander Scott

C.S. Lewis is known for being one of the best apologists (and amateur theologians) of our day. Primarily, Lewis is a writer; he knows how to use words to draw the reader in, and then humbly offers his insights on whatever topic is at hand. It is this humility that I think makes him so accessible – he talks about what he knows and doesn’t presume to be an authority over anyone.About GOD IN THE DOCK specifically, this is a collection of his letters, columns, and speeches. Most are short (4-10 pages) reflections on something he has encountered recently, from animal-rights protestations to dogma within the church to attempts to debunk myth to Christmas. Really, though, each one of these essays is about modernism. Modernism is the arch-enemy to Lewis – in its materialism, rationalism, statism and “groupism”, it denies the validity of opposing systems of thought. Miracles are definitively ruled because they can’t be reproduced in a lab (which Lewis argues is precisely why they are “miraculous” in the first place).
Christian beliefs are discarded because they are similar to other “primitve” myths; Lewis argues that if God is real and we are made in His image, it makes sense that we would have common motifs in how we think about Him. The essays in GOD IN THE DOCK are mostly designed to show the fallacies in people’s thinking. They start with an observation, continue to describe the orthodox Christian point of view, point out something which the reader already knows to be true, and then shows that it makes more sense in the context of orthodox thought rather than modernist thought. What I found most interesting was that the same problems that Lewis wrestled with in his day are the same ones that Americans face today! I’m not sure if this proves that history repeats itself or if America is just 50 years behind England. Either way, Lewis’ predictions for the future if his society continued to follow the modernist path were vindicated (if anything, he underestimated the degree to which society would degenerate). In summary, C.S. Lewis was a humble and insightful man whose essays cover a wide gamut of topics. Each essay is short, about a 15 minute read, which is a comfortable way to wind down the day. I think that he very correctly evaluated the danger that modernism poses to humanity. Finally, his essay topics are very relevant to Americans whose country is now hashing out he same issues that Lewis’ nation did fifty years ago.

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